What We Do
Our Focus

Outsourced Research is a virtual debating forum that connects investors and managers.
Our research is objective, thought-provoking, and non-mainstream.
We focus on the most critical issues facing institutional investors, their committees and heads of real estate.
We blend corporate finance, fixed income, portfolio management, factor risks and Monte Carlo simulation, derivatives, and real estate economics.
We speak truth to capital by correcting the information asymmetry that exists between investors and their managers.
Managers read what we are telling their investors and investors obtain unbiased research.
We say what investors and managers often cannot say: Controversial but urgently important topics. We do not flinch.
How We Do It
Small- to medium-sized firms regard Outsourced Research as a cost effective and flexible substitute for an expensive research department. Large firms with established research departments regard Outsourced Research as a valuable supplement.
We connect Investors with their Managers and promote the exchange of ideas through innovative research papers, webinars, and podcasts.
We write papers with actionable ideas on investment strategy using advanced econometrics and risk analytics.
Recent past topics have included the following:
Is real estate an inflation hedge?
If interest rates rise, will cap rates follow?
How to incorporate illiquid assets in a portfolio of publicly traded assets
Are leveraged core funds less risky than opportunistic investments?
Why is obsolescence about to change the pricing of the entire office inventory?
The proper use of the NCREIF index as a performance benchmark.
What is the natural vacancy rate and why does it matter when buying property?
Why is the IRR a bad performance measure?
Why are neighborhood retail centers inherently different than malls?
Why don't investors do not value lease options properly?
Do investors overpay for gateway status, MSA size, density and growth?
Diversification with and without liabilities and less than full pension funding